Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vacation time!!

Wow, I haven't blogged in a while. It's not because my life has been boring - on the contrary, it's been full of lovely things: planting my garden, playing with my son outside, dreaming and scheming up colors to paint on the walls upstairs, and gleefully planning our family vacation up north this weekend (our first family vacation - not counting the visits out to see my family). I'm very much looking forward to the drive (mini-road trip!!) with my boys. We're hoping to stop by Gooseberry Falls and Duluth on the way home if the weather permits. Oh, I do hope the weather is nice. It's currently looking like it's going to be a very wet and cool weekend. Oh well. I'm looking forward to lounging around, hiking, cooking, knitting up baby things for friends, s'mores, games, movies, laughter, playing the wii, and hopefully relaxing with some of my favorite people. Here's a picture of the cabin that 11 (Gulbranson/Hartzell) adults and two toddlers will be staying at:

Castle Rock Cabin, Lutsen MN.
The view from our cabin

Today is turning out to be a busy day. I'm making lists, putting together a road-trip playlist and starting to pack for our trip. We don't leave until Friday morning, but Thursday is already packed with many things. To be honest, I'm trying to stay busy today (which isn't hard, while watching a one-year-old niece, and a two-year-old son.). My husband gets to go to a Twin's game with his co-workers today, hence the reason I'm trying to distract myself with business. I'm SO jealous. What would I give to be at a ballpark today? Eating a hot dog, pulling out pink sticky cotton candy from a huge bag, cheering for the Twins...all while being outside sitting in a beautiful stadium. Oh yes, jealous doesn't even begin to describe my feelings right now (sometimes I really miss the perks of working outside of the home). All in all, I'm glad he gets to go...really, I am. ;) Hopefully it doesn't rain on him and the Twins pull off another win.

Okay, I must shut down my computer and continue on with my lists. I'm so not feeling organized right now - check-off lists are a wonderful thing. 

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I only follow a few blogs still - they come through my email and if they look interesting, I'll click on the link. That's what happe...