Friday, March 11, 2011

Project365: February 20-26

February 26 We had a busy day of deep-cleaning our apartment of almost 3 years. Needless to say we were all exhausted…one of us even fell asleep on the way home. ;)
February 26 | We had a busy day of deep-cleaning our apartment of almost 3 years. Needless to say we were all exhausted…one of us even fell asleep on the way home. ;)
February 25 This and my red lipstick helped to pull my look together for tonight’s 50’s party. Such fun!
February 25 | This and my red lipstick helped to pull my look together for tonight’s 50’s party. Such fun!

February 24 I’ll be honest, it gets cold in our house once the sun goes down. It’s not unusual to find my husband sporting a winter hat while sitting on the couch during the evening hours. Tonight, was no exception.
February 24 | I’ll be honest, it gets cold in our house once the sun goes down. It’s not unusual to find my husband sporting a winter hat while sitting on the couch during the evening hours. Tonight, was no exception.
February 23 This morning I made my favorite winter cookie for our neighbors. I hope they like them!! :)
February 23 | This morning I made my favorite winter cookie for our neighbors. I hope they like them!! :)
January 22 We’re the proud owners of a netbook. It’s tiny and cute…and it has a webcam. I’ve wanted to replace my laptop ever since it broke 4 years ago. It’s not perfect, because it’s not my laptop, it’s also not colorful (black is so boring) and I can’t customize the wallpaper (seriously?!)…oh, and it’s tiny - haha, among other little things. ;) But I think the more I use it the more I’ll appreciate and love it. :)
January 22 | We’re the proud owners of a netbook. It’s tiny and cute…and it has a webcam. I’ve wanted to replace my laptop ever since it broke 4 years ago. It’s not perfect, because it’s not my laptop, it’s also not colorful (black is so boring) and I can’t customize the wallpaper (seriously?!)…oh, and it’s tiny - haha, among other little things. ;) But I think the more I use it the more I’ll appreciate and love it. :)
February 21 It’s still snowing outside. 36 hours of continuous snow accumulates, that’s for sure. Peter has gone out to shovel three times today. While he was out, I was in…unpacking another box. In honor of unpacking my toiletry/cosmetic box, I applied lipstick.
February 21 | It’s still snowing outside. 36 hours of continuous snow accumulates, that’s for sure. Peter has gone out to shovel three times today. While he was out, I was in…unpacking another box. In honor of unpacking my toiletry/cosmetic box, I applied lipstick.
February 20 | Today’s picture is grainy (what’s new, right?) because I was too lazy to actually go outside. Instead, I took a picture of my husband shoveling from my kitchen window. Saint Paul is getting dumped on with another load of snow. It’s been snowing non stop since 10am this morning. So far we’re at 13” with 5-7 additional inches expected tonight through tomorrow. So much for Spring being right around the corner.

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