Thursday, April 16, 2009

I miss you *sniff*

There are times such as today, where I start to miss my dear friends from back in the day. Friends that I can be myself around without feeling like I'm totally making a fool of myself (even though I usually am *smirk*).

I sometimes miss the wild and crazy Jes that I used to be. Thankfully, I married my best friend and can be like that whenever I want here in the confines of our private life. I feel as though I'm sometimes suppressing who I really am and that's not only confusing, but very depressing too.

I'm looking forward to being with my family next week (a week from Saturday), I've always been the wild one at home and I love making everyone laugh and/or roll their eyes. My little siblings are the best audience a person could ask for. I like seeing their eyes light up and hearing their giggles as I say something odd or funny.

I guess I've come to the conclusion that it takes serious time in making new friends and feeling comfortable enough to be *real*, 100% of the time. I think it was easier for me when I was actually living with my friends back in the Flint days. We were like family and spent a lot of time together and I saw them Now it seems as if I have to truly work at making and keeping friends. Growing close to friends is harder then I expected, especially when you only see them once in a while and only for a short period of time.

I think the glue that keeps my friends of old together are the memories that we share. Funny, sweet, emotional and raw memories. I'm thankful that I share a lot of those memories with my husband. He truly is my best friend and I love him so much.

1 comment:

  1. Jes, Jes, Jes.... I SO agree with you, and feel in the same boat. Thank goodness for phones and internet, to help us all keep track of each other. I am SO looking forward to the reception this summer. Hey... even though you're far away, I treasure your friendship like few others. *hugs*



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