Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Major happiness!

My little brother (19 months younger) is coming to visit me! This is the first time that any of my family members have come to see where I live. It's hard not being able to share my life with them. Sometimes I struggle with that. I know it's hard for them to stop everything (including income) and drive 10-12 hours to come just for a few days. So having my brother-friend come to visit me is not only special but very sweet. He's driving which means 2 out of the 4 days will be set aside for traveling, but I'll take what I can get.

I'm really excited that he'll be here for Simon's baby dedication...thrilled actually. He'll also get to meet all of my dear MN. friends and hopefully get to know my second family better too. Nate and I are extremely close, we always have been. People who saw us at an early age would swear that we were twins.

My parents said that we fought quite a bit when we were younger, but aside from a scar, I don't really remember that. I do remember seeing him as competition...I always wanted to be better or as good as he was at any activity that we did together. I still remember a time where I could run faster then him...that didn't last long ;) I do remember Nate and I being mean to my 3rd and 4th siblings. They were the "good" children and always told on us...Nate and I hated that. We have since grown out of that (thankfully) and now as I live hundreds of miles away, I miss my tattletale-sibs.

Nate loves kids and I think he misses Simon a lot...that's actually a HUGE reason for him making this special trip out here. He would make a great Uncle if he lived closer...and Simon I know would love hanging out with him.

Even though Nate will only be here for a couple short days, I am secretly hoping that he will fall in love with St. Paul and move here...that would be close to heaven for me. Sigh. Nate loves music and has quite the library of fantastic artists and albums. I'm working on putting together a fun mix of music for him to play on his way back to Fort Wayne...hopefully that'll pass the time faster. I love you, bro!

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