There are few apps that I will actually pay money for. I'm not picky and the apps I use the most are free. Ignorance is also bliss. I don't really know what I'm missing by using the freebie apps. But then I came across
Rhonna Design App for the iphone. It's fairly new and I can already tell it's going to be uber popular. It's a whopping $1.99 (I know, I'm such a cheapo), but it's worth EVERY penny...and more. I'm actually surprised it's so inexpensive. I can't even begin to say how much I love this app. The design factor is amazing. There are SO many options on this app - almost too many options. I'm overwhelmed. But in a good way. Thank goodness for tutorials. I don't use photoshop, so I'm ignorant when it comes to layering and masking. Luckily, it's an easy app to figure out, and for the things that were stumping me, I turned to youtube/Vimeo.
here for App Information
These are the pics I've created so far. Remember, I'm totally a beginner. AND THIS IS MY FIRST DAY! Ha. Please no judgement. Someday, hopefully my pics will be way more visual and prettier too.
This was the first one I did at 12:30am. It's probably the simplest project on the app. Background, quote, color. Boom! This app is FULL of amazing and fun quotes. | | |
One of my firsts. It needs work. |
Another one of my firsts. I'm not a huge fan. But it is what it is. Background image, a hydrangea flower. | | | |
This is a total copy-cat from one of the youtube tutorials (layering - link found at the bottom of this post). It was fun to follow along and make. |
Another copy-cat project (Masking - link found at bottom of post). |
Finally, I got a little creative...all by myself. |
My latest project. I love my boys. Again, needs help. |
Here are some websites I found helpful:
Q&A with Rhonna
Getting Started
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