Saturday, February 6, 2010

I l♥ve Saturdays.

I love Saturdays. Especially Saturdays like today. There's nothing better then waking up next to your husband without an annoying alarm clock going off and finding that it's already 10:30am. I'm grateful to Simon for letting us sleep in like that. It's fun going in to get Simon up with Peter, seeing him smiling up at us and playfully blowing raspberries as I lean down to pick him up. I also love seeing his happy smile and his eyes light up as he realizes that his daddy is home and not at work. I enjoy lazy Saturday mornings with huge breakfasts consisting of scrambled eggs, breakfast potatoes and turkey bacon...and of course a hot cup of coffee. Not every Saturday is like this, but when this happens I'm happy.

My wonderful husband bought me a color laser printer last week and I'm loving it (thank you ebay!!). I don't cringe every time I print something off for fear of running out of ink a few weeks later. It's a beautiful printer and I'm very happy with it. Now I can print off coupons without guilt and become one of those crazy money-saver moms/wives. ;)

On a depressing note, I'm becoming discontented with my current wardrobe, yet again. I'm ready for Spring to come and with it a different assortment of clothing. I'm weary of sweaters and jackets and bulky coats. One thing that stood out to me when Peter and I attended the Song of Solomon conference last Saturday was Pastor Mark telling everyone about how he sets money aside and every few months takes his wife out to buy new clothes, he actually goes with her, sits in the sitting room and tips department workers to bring clothes for his wife to try on. Now that's one spoiled and loved women. lol. I totally can't see Peter doing that, but in his defense he shows me love in different ways, so I'm content. But daaaang! ;)

It's been awhile since I've bought at fun and cute shoes. I just happened to run across these shoes at two different places. I bought each pair for $5. Happiness. I really do love shoes, especially heals. I feel taller, more confidant and my jeans fit better when I have added height brought to my 5'3 figure. Darn snow makes this a difficult feat, but I still sneak them on every so often. ;)

Well, that's all the time that I have to blog. I must now go get ready for the day and the upcoming errands that we must run, library and Target. May the Lord bless you all with a wonderful snow covered weekend. :)

P.S. Happy 18 month birthday, little-boy-Simon!! Mommy loves you. ♥♥

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