Thursday, January 8, 2009

The joy of working with your hands...

There is one thing I look forward to in these cold winter months...crocheting and knitting. I've always loved working with my hands. Before marriage and a kid, I enjoyed scrapbooking, cross-stitch, painting, card making, beading...pretty much any type of craft. Now that I don't have as much time to do any of those, except for the off and on painting, I've learned to enjoy the yarn projects. I learned to crochet as a young person, but never really did anything with it. Knitting is something that I've picked up in just the last few years. I've made hats, scarves (one of which was for my husband and he wears it sweet!), accessories (flower-pins), and a blanket or two. Just recently I've started crocheting toys for Simon. These are a few of my latest creations.

It's nice to have little doable projects that are fun to do.

Here is a picture of one of my favorite hats that I crocheted last year.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. First of all, I didn't even know you had a blog, so yay for that... but really, you knit? You knitted *that* stuff?? Holy santos, woman, I had no idea! You could totally sell those cute little things on etsy or something. :) I'm very impressed!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. :) Now we have yet another way to keep up with each other!




I only follow a few blogs still - they come through my email and if they look interesting, I'll click on the link. That's what happe...