Monday, January 5, 2015

Cheers to January!!

Never in my wildest dreams would I be so excited about this date. I mean, Monday, January 5th? For one, I used to loath January. Tack on a Monday? In the olden days you would find me all curled up in bed, moaning about me being alone with little children (who found fighting, yelling and constantly asking for stuff enjoyable) and incoherently muttering something about Spring never coming. And yet, I've been looking forward to this date for a while now. Why? Because life goes back to normal. Simon is back at school, Miles is back to his quiet cheerful self (which sadly only seems to happen when he has one-on-one time with either Peter or me), and my house is slowly but surely getting clean again after the messy holidays. Seriously, the whole process of Christmas (before, during, after) takes a toll on my house - it's like a Christmas elf barfed all over it. I hate it. This time next week, hopefully all of the gorgeous Christmas decor will be put away and the house will be less cluttered.

I'm excited about getting back into a routine. I'm excited about Simon being back at school and coming home happy and full of stories about his day. I'm excited about spending quality time with Miles, as well as having having more "me" time...which usually means I'm able to read more and actually have devotions.  I'm excited about the quieter atmosphere... I didn't think having my oldest home or celebrating two holidays could bring on so much stress. But it did. I see that as a flaw in my life. I don't like how all of those combined factors burn me out. How they formed me into a cranky mom and wife. How selfish I became as I wallowed in the stress of each hour...minute...second. It's something that I need to work on. Something that I need to own up to and release to my (ever gracious) Jesus. I keep telling myself that it's just a phase. My terrible two year old will someday not be two and not be so terrible. My boys will learn how to play nicely (and quietly) together, and won't be so needy. Someday it won't be so painfully cold outside - there will be warmer weather and greener grass for my boys to *run* in. Oh, I can't wait to let them loose outside without fearing some body part will freeze off. You think I'm overreacting concerning frostbite? No, it's very real here in Minnesota. Wednesday morning we'll be flirting with -40 degrees. That's negative forty. Oi.

So cheers to January. Cheers to a new year. A new beginning. New grace and more peace.  

"My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Cor. 12:9

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