Monday, December 10, 2012


Top five {current} things about Miles.Paul:

1. He's crawling. He's everywhere. I'm already looking forward to him walking. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch him crawl, there isn't anything cuter than seeing this little baby wobbling around on his hands and knees. But my goodness, crawling on hardwood/non-carpeted floors is SO dirty and cold. I'm missing my plushy carpet at our old apartment.

2. He popped out another tooth (If you're keeping track, that's 8 teeth at 8 months). Usually this is not such a happy occurrence, but not this time. I wasn't even aware that he was teething because he's been *so* happy. The happiest he's ever been. It took 8 months, but I finally have a happy and somewhat content baby.

3. When I say no, he nods his head yes. This is not a good sign.

4. He also bops his head to music....sometimes in a violent sort of way. I've heard Simon tell him a few times "don't do that, Miles. Your head is going to fall off."

I saved the best for last...
5. He's sleeping through the Simon's room! Both boys are in bed by 7pm and usually play in their room/crib in a contented sort of manner until 8am. ::happiness all around::

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