Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It's been a cranky couple of weeks for us. Miles started teething again, and is now sporting two bottom teeth. Poor child. Poor mama. This is his second go around at teething. Although, he doesn't have anything to show for his first, which I'm actually glad about. At 7 weeks (weeks!!!), I spotted 2 white dots on the right side of his gums, I rubbed my finger along his gum thinking the white spots was just leftover milk residue. To my shock - and horror - the spots were sharp. By 8 weeks, there was no denying the fact that they were teeth. Thankfully we had Miles' 8 week dr. appointment and I was able to ask his doctor about them. He said that they were indeed teeth and that we would just have to keep an eye on them. If they continuted to come out through the side (instead of coming through the bottom of the gums like they're supposed to), they might have to be extracted. GAH! I was so horrified and not looking forward to having a baby sporting teeth coming out of the sides of his mouth. Thankfully a couple of weeks later, after incredible pain and discomfort (runny nose, lack of appetite, cranky, restless sleeping, etc.) the white spots started to go away, the teeth decided to go back in. All of that teething pain for nothing. Poor kid. Poor Mama.

2 weeks later, round two of teething. This has been the roughest 4 weeks of my mommy-life. I thought I was going to go crazy. It didn't help that on top of my 2 crazy kids, I watched a bunch of other kids too. I started to wonder if my life would ever get back to normal. I actually started to forget what normal was. Miles was no longer my chill laid-back baby. He wailed, he cried, he fussed, he woke up multiple times a night, he was hardly ever happy.  I remember being super excited when he was happy for a full 5 minutes, being filled with hope that maybe the worst was behind us and that he was getting better, only to be disappointed once the crying started up again. At the beginning of this notsofun adventure, I wasn't sure what was going on. I was relieved to finally see proof that he was indeed teething. It gave me hope that this was just a teething phase, that once they popped through, he would be back to his old smiley self.

Thankfully, he has been much happier, and I have too. It's kind of dumb how circumstances dictate how I feel and how I deal with things. It's also dumb at how rattled I get when the kids are crabby. I'm the adult, I should be able to handle tears and loud crying. But I can't - at least not for extended periods of times. I keep reminding myself that this is what happens when I'm sleep deprived. I'm not 100% myself. I'm low in energy and patience...and love. As much as I want this phase to be over with, I know 6 months from now, I'll look back on my baby's life and wonder where his babyhood went. It goes by so quickly. While I might not love the yawns, tears and frustrations that come with being a mom, I do love the baby that makes me a mom. We'll get through this babyMiles...together. xoxo

Miles sporting his 2 bottom teeth at 16 weeks.

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