Thursday, September 1, 2011


I'm sipping French Vanilla coffee and munching on watermelon (what? I'm pregnant. Better than fish sticks and chocolate milk). My feet are up on the coffee table and my netbook on my lap as I think about how crazy-fun this month is going to be. I can't tell you how excited I am that September is here. Hopefully, I'll be getting more energy before the month is out (I'll be hitting weeks 13-16 this month), as well as watching my belly grow...and I'm just that much closer to finding out what the gender of this baby is. :) 

Here's why this month is making it to the top of my favorite list for 2011:

1) We'll be going to the famous Minnesota State Fair on Saturday with some friends. The fair has been going on for a whole week now and it's been torture not going (especially when one drives past it as much as we do)...but Saturday is just around the corner and we have great plans of spending the whole day there. Did I mention that we're even considering biking to the Fair from our house? We only live 1.2 miles away, so it's very doable, I'm just not looking forward to the trip back to the house. A days worth of walking + eating fried food + being 12 weeks pregnant = a very tired me. But it'll be a fun challenge and I'm looking forward to it. :) For most of the 12 weeks of my pregnancy I've had these insane cravings. Mostly for fried food (my current craving has been for yeasty donuts!!). Being at the fair where fried food is the only way to go will be a treat for me, for sure. :)

2) The 2nd weekend of September, Peter's going on a camping trip with his buddy-cousin. He'll be gone all weekend, leaving Simon and I to fend for ourselves. I'm hoping to find a sitter and maybe go out with my two besties for one last girls day out before Rosanna leaves at the end of the month. I hope it works out. The rest of the weekend, I have fun plans of watching movies with Simon, taking him for walks, going to the park, maybe having his Auntie over to watch movies with us and to keep us company. We'll have fun while Peter is out on a much deserved trip doing manly things. ;)

3) That next week we will be packing up our car and heading out to see my family - YEAH!!!! I'm so excited (even though it hasn't really set in yet). Last time we saw them it was in December during a terrible snow storm. We decided to make our yearly trek during a more reliable month. September seemed to be a perfect time. Not only will we see my family (uber excited about that), but we're also hoping to hang out with our Indiana friends, AND go to the Johnny Appleseed festival that's held every year in Fort Wayne (my family has gone every year since I can remember). The last time I went was when Simon was just a newborn. He will love it way more this time around. ;) It's going to be a fast trip (well, fast when it comes to visiting...slow when it comes to being in the car 4 days out of the 7). I'm just so grateful that it's working out for us to visit. :)

4) The rest of the month we'll stay busy with doing fun things around the cities. I'm imagining we'll be going to an apple orchard or two, sipping on lots of fallish drinks, resuming my babysitting "job" of watching 2 cuties once a week, working in the yard/garden, and maybe enjoying a bonfire or two. We'll also be going to a wedding, hopefully welcoming not one, but two babies into our circle of friends, helping our bff-friends pack up 5 years of their life, and hanging out with said friends as much as possible before they leave at the end of the month ((snifffffff)). 

This month will definitely be a bitter-sweet month full of happiness and lots of goodbyes. I'm trying to focus on the happiness part...but I'm stocking up on waterproof mascara just in case.


  1. Wow, your life sounds so exciting! :) I'm kinda sad that you're going to be gone one of the last four weeks that I have left here in MN though! :( We'll have to really make the effort to hang as much as possible, for sure. <3

  2. I know! I was thinking how dumb the timing was too. But, I have an idea!! You can pack up your *entire* apartment during the week that we're gone, so you can hang out with me the rest of the month. Okay? ;)

  3. Aw - I love September too. :-) And sniff sniff about R&R.



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