Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life with a one year old...and other things.

"There is nothing quite like the sinking feeling one gets as their child screams bloody murder in the middle of a crowded restaurant and all your efforts to pacify and restrain them are met with louder and angrier screams. You never think that it will be you in that situation, until it is and then it's like, 'oh crap, it is me.' So much for a relaxing dinner with the wife and kid. - Peter." What Peter didn't mention was how embarrassing it was when he threw a spoon at our server...not to mention pulling out ABC food from his mouth and throwing it on the floor - over and over again.

Simon's energy level went through the roof this weekend. A weekend where Peter and I were looking forward to a quiet and calming 3 days of being together. Simon also learned how to throw tantrums this weekend, oh joy. He is also very good at whining - Peter once likened Simon's whining (it's the worst in the car) to the "dragging of your eardrums on a cheese grater". To say the least, I'm exhausted and selfishly wishing that I could turn the clock back about a year, when Simon was a cuddly, little newborn and only needed a couple of things to make him happy. I felt like I got more sleep and rest when he was a newborn then I did this past weekend(the stress of a one year old makes it difficult for me to sleep well).

We cut back on our chiropractic care to twice a month rather then once a week. My body isn't dealing with the change very well. Stiff neck, sore back...headaches, insane hormonal levels. Yeah, not fun. I'm sure that the bending and lifting of a 22 lb baby isn't helping much either (not to mention constantly cleaning up after him...).

Simon had his 12 month checkup on Friday. All good news this time. Gaining weight, growing taller (no surprise there...he's so big now!). I was glad for the good news and the fact that he's back on track with his height and weight. Thank you, Jesus.

Simon surprises me at how smart he can be. We learned this weekend that he knows where his dirty diapers go. I had changed his wet diaper in the living room and before I knew it Simon had taken it in his hand and had climbed up the two stairs, walked down the hallway and into his bedroom where he promptly opened the lid to his diaper pail and dumped it in.

September is already on it's second week...Fall is almost upon us, and then the dreaded MN. winter ((whimper)). We've had a glorious couple of weeks of weather. God has been good. Last Thursday Peter and I went to the State Fair...alone. Smart move. Next year we'll take our little two-year-old. Wow...two!! MOMS starts up next Tuesday and I'm seriously thinking about not going this year. I wasn't too impressed with the downtown campus and it doesn't look like I'll be able to attend North. Sadness. Next year, maybe.

And life goes on. I'm looking forward to getting back into Future Grace with our Small Group this evening...and seeing everyone together again! I've missed all of my SG buddies. Not to mention seeing the two newest additions to our group - Jackson and Jude...the two little boys that make Simon look like a giant. Haha. It's quite amazing what a year can do to a baby.

Simon at 13 months


So Spirit, come, put strength in ev’ry stride,
Give grace for ev’ry hurdle,
That we may run with faith to win the prize
Of a servant good and faithful.
As saints of old still line the way,
Retelling triumphs of His grace,
We hear their calls and hunger for the day
When, with Christ, we stand in glory.

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