Thursday, January 26, 2012


Breakfast is and always has been tricky for me. I'm not a fan of eggs in the morning (or anytime for that matter - I'm usually okay with them if I eat them in the afternoon or evening, but usually those times are hit and miss times too). I can only have so much oatmeal before I get tired of it. Grits, malt-o-meal and toast are the same way. Cold cereal tastes better in the evening. My favorite breakfast foods are: waffles, pancakes, crepes, and french toast (bacon and hashbrowns on the side please!). Totally not healthy choices. If I could (and I usually do when I'm not pregnant) I would gladly skip breakfast. Tsk, tsk - I know.

This morning, I found myself craving crepes. I wasn't in the mood to make them and my conscience was alive and active telling me to pick something "healthy". Pancakes sounded good and easy...and I remembered pinning a Biggest Loser Pancake Recipe a few days ago. I was all psyched to make them, only to discover that I didn't have cottage cheese. Hrumph. I wasn't about to give up though as my stomach was growling and the little voice inside my head was screaming EAT! You're growing a baby! Nothing else sounded good at the moment. So I whipped out my phone and googled healthy oatmeal pancakes. I clicked on the first link and was happy to indeed find a healthy recipe. Oats, 1% milk, Oat Flour, Egg Whites, Baking Powder, a little bit of Salt and Cinnamon. Presto! Preparing them was fun, grilling them up was easy and with a drizzle of honey and some chopped apples on top, they were delicious.  I'm definitely going to be making these babies again soon. I might have to make a full batch next time though, because Simon devoured his and wanted more...and I did too. :)  

So, with all that said. What's your favorite breakfast food (healthy or naughty)?

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Oatmeal Pancake Recipe - Heart Healthy!
Makes 10 oatmeal pancakes


1 cup fat free milk (or water)*
3/4 cup oatmeal (uncooked, quick or regular oats)
3/4 cup oatmeal flour (How to Make Oatmeal Flour)
1 tsp baking powder (optional)
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
4 large egg whites 
1/2 tsp cinnamon, ground

Heat milk (or water) until hot, stir in oats and set aside. Beat egg whites into a stiff foam with hand mixer or blender and reserve. Mix remaining dry ingredients together and stir in oatmeal/milk mixture. Fold in egg whites until mixture is well blended.  . Spray pan with nonstick spray and cook pancakes until browned on both sides.  

*Depending on how long you've let the oats sit, you may need to add a little extra water to the batter to thin it out.  It will still be thicker than regular pancake batter

Nutritional Information for 5 Pancakes:
Per Serving: Calories- 313 Carbs- 48.8g Protein- 19.5g Fat- 4.5g Fiber- 6.3g

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ramblings of a pregnant lady.

I haven't blogged in such a long time. It's not because I don't have anything on my mind, it's actually the complete opposite...I think I have too much on my mind to sort through. I've had this to-do list running through my head for the past couple of months and it doesn't seem to be getting any shorter no matter how much I cross off.  There's a hospital bag to pack, there's a birth plan to write out, there are meals to prepare and freeze, there's a house that needs dusting and sweeping every other day (not to mention a good cleaning), there's a baby room to prepare, there are baby clothes to wash and books to read and emails to catch up on....and and and My days don't seem to be long enough...and yet they seem to last forever. Haha! 

My son has been extra needy and whiny lately. It grates on me. I wonder if it's because he senses a big change is about to happen?  Or it could be that's he's hit 3.5 years (I've heard that the half years are the hardest). Who knows. Naptimes have become extra precious to me (as bad as that may sound). I'm grateful for a husband who comes home every night to give me a break from being a "single parent". He was a huge blessing to me on Saturday, I didn't know it was possible to be that patient with such a needy child. But he was and I found myself admiring and loving him all the more for it.

33 weeks
This last trimester has been a lot more rough than I remember it being with Simon. I've had a lot more contractions (braxton hicks and back cramps) and a lot more pelvic pressure - I think baby dropped around week 30. I'm at week 33 now and my midwife confirmed with surprise that he has indeed dropped. I'm not sure if he's engaged yet though. Knowing that he's dropped hasn't really surprised me, it's just confirmed my suspicions of why I've been so uncomfortable. I really should buy a pelvic belt...but knowing that I only have a few weeks to go is making me not want to spend the money on a contraption that I've never used before and have no way of knowing if it'll help or not. Sometimes I hate how I stingy I am with money. :-/  

I've hit the dreaded 30 pounds with 7 weeks to go in the pregnancy. I hope I don't go past 35 pounds. Ugh, I was really hoping to end with 30 pounds.  I tell myself that it's all baby since all of my clothes are still fitting the same, but then I freak myself out that I'm having a large baby and so I go back to thinking that I'm just getting fat. I don't know which is worse. ;)

Pain, awkwardness and weight aside, It's kind of fun being pregnant with a baby in the dead of winter and knowing that he'll be here when it's still cold out. I've been inspired to make him his own traveling blanket and a hat to match.  I can't wait to see him in it.  Knitting for babies is one of my favorite things to do...and it's such a stress reliever when I can put my feet up, watch a show/movie with my husband and knit away. Woosah.

Well, I blogged. Hip hip hooray. Now it's time to tackle some projects off of my to-do list (the boring projects that is: cleaning the house - gotta have a clean house for company tonight!).

Toodaloo. <3


I only follow a few blogs still - they come through my email and if they look interesting, I'll click on the link. That's what happe...